This section is to keep you, the Carter researcher and transcriber, up to date on the Carter Census Web Site. Here's a little chronology:

6 Sept 1999 -

Finally, the Carter 1850 Census is posted!! I have to admit I was swamped with work-related travel, family and church activites, and, of course, vacation too. While I even changed the survey question, I still haven't redone the Hall of Honor. But give me time...

The 1850 NY Census includes the Big Apple Census data as well as the rest of the state.

Please note that my new email address is:

6 June 1999 -

The latest addition of the 1840 Census for the Carter Census On-line site took much longer than anticipated. But it now here! Please enjoy.

Take advantage of the Chat Room too. If you find a connection through the CARTER Mailing list,
talk to your new Carter cousin to get to the nitty-gritty details. But don't forget to post your mutual findings to the CARTER mailing list.

Still Stuck on a relative? Post a message inquiry on the CARTER Message board. It will always be ther for newcomers to see.

Thanks for using the survey. Sorry I  havent kept it too current.I will try to do so in the future!

Besides the 1850 Census upcoming work, I am going to revamp the Hall of Honor as well.

BTW, if you need to reach me immediately, page me on AOL Instant Messenger: texson1966!

18 April 99 -

The 1830 Carter Census data was added today as well as introducing a CARTER Inquirt Message Board, a CARTER Researchers' chat room, and other features. Please let me hear fom you as to the value of these other features.

Hopefuly, around the first of May, the 1840 data will be online. The about every two weeks the next census should appear. If you have preferences for census years/states that are missing from the database, send them to me, and I will post the "Carter Researchers' Most Wanted"  state census list.

22 March 99 -

The 1820 Census is added as well as a Status Table to let researchers/transcribers see what census data has been posted, what data is on hand to be posted, and what data is needed to complete the CARTER Census On-Line database. Please click on the Site Status Table to review the Table. If you see errors please report them. If you have a copy of the missing and/or missing census index, PLEASE email them to me at

7 March 99 - Indexing Added

The ability to search the CARTER Census On-line was begun.

14 Feb 99 - Prototype Site Opens

I have only acknowledged those people in the Hall of Honor who have given me their names. I will be adding states and modifying the site as time permits. A search capability will be added when the site has more census data.

Please leave your messages to  the researchers/transcribers in the Guestbook in the Hall of Honor.
Other random thoughts: There will be space for other Carter related databases for access on-line. Let me know how you feel about this.

I have much more Carter census data which I'll add in a Table to summarize the status of the Carter Census On-line Site.

I hope that this is the start of something people will appreciate. Let me know how you feel about the site ( the good, the bad, and well, you know) and please tell me know about errors and please offer suggestions. Carter cousins, Enjoy!

                                                                         JR Swenson,

18 Jan 99 - E-mail Status Update:

"To All CARTER Researchers and Transcribers:

Well, it's been a while since I volunteered to host the web site for the
CARTER census data that was being shared through the CARTER-mailing
list. I thought that it was time to give you a quick summary of where
things stand now.

The overall design of the web pages is almost complete. I still need to
finish some navigation bars for the census pages themselves. I hope to
have the site operating with some census years and states by the 1st of
Feb 1999. Then, when I have the time, data will be gradually added and
changes made to the site as suggestions arrive on how to modify certain
features. (Don’t be shy. Let me know if I'm on the right track when the
"prototype" site is operational.)

Also I thought I would list the data sets I have now and who provided
them. BTW, this site will not replace the CARTER-mailing list for census
data. Researchers/transcribers: Please continue to post your work with
the mailing list. I use the list to keep adding to the site too!

Here's my current CARTER data status and their providers( If the
reseachers would please email me their names and additional areas they
are working, I will include your name in the Hall of Honor and show
where you are working in the site status page):

1790 - KY - (dad) (sorry I don’t have your name)
           MA - Alice Ohlsson Tatum
           NC - Alice Ohlsson Tatum (Partially Complete- In Work)

1800 - KY - (dad)
            MA - Alice Ohlsson Tatum
            NC - (sorry I don't have your name)
            SC - (sorry I don’t have your name)

1810 - KY - (dad)
           MA - Alice Ohlsson Tatum (In- Work)
           NC - Alice Ohlsson Tatum
           SC -
           VA - jim picone ( I have only part 3 of 4

1820 - KY - (dad) I have parts (A - LEVI)
            MA - Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete
            MS - "Al & Jo Pritt" Complete
            NC - Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete (?)
            SC - - Complete
            VA - jim picone 7 / 7 parts - Complete

            AL - William Stephen Dyer - Complete
            MA - Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete
            NC - Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete
            SC - - Complete
           VA - jim picone - Complete

           AL - William Stephen Dyer  - Complete
            DE - - Complete (?)
            IN - (dad) - I have G-J first names only
            MA - Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete
            MI -   Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete
            MO - Wm. Carter Reynolds  - Complete
            NC - Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete
            NH - Wm. Carter Reynolds  - Complete
            NJ - Alice Ohlsson Tatum - Complete
            OH -  - Complete - (Sorry I don’t have your name)
            SC- - Complete
            TN -  -  Complete (Sorry I don’t have your name)
            VA - jim picone - Complete (7/7)

     I have more and will report later with another update.
Well, its late and I'll stop here. I'll complete my list next week end
and will try to get the site up in prototype form.
                                                   JR Swenson

9 Jan 99 - E-mail Announcement for the Carter Census On-line Web Site